Virginia is STILL for Voters

A message from RVDW President Wanda Ostrander

Dear RVDW members and friends,

For the last few weeks, we’ve all been recovering from the hard work of the 2024 campaign year and the disappointment of the outcome in the race to win the White House and majorities in the US Senate and US House of Representatives. While 2024 did not end as we had envisioned, Virginia stayed BLUE. We sent Sen. Tim Kaine back to Washington as our US Senator. Roanoke City voters held on to a strong Democratic majority on council by electing Joe Cobb as Mayor, Terry McGuire as Vice Mayor, and Phazhon Nash as Councilman. Be proud of these wins. Your hard work matters!

As the saying goes, Virginia is for Voters. We vote EVERY year. Virginia must again STAY BLUE this November! Now is the time to renew our focus on issues and plans of action to make sure we keep our majority in both chambers of the Virginia General Assembly and also take back the executive offices in Richmond. Our new Board of Officers, elected at our October meeting, is energized and ready to get to work with you. 

Our work is clearly cut out for us, and we can’t do the hard work ahead without you. Let’s kick off 2025 with a shared, renewed commitment to RVDW, to our mission, and to our democracy. Because Virginia is STILL for voters.

Best regards,

Wanda Ostrander, President

In Remembrance: Helen B. Dean

Dear Members and Friends,

With heavy hearts we tearfully share the sad news of Helen Dean’s untimely death and plans for a Celebration of her life.

Helen Barbara Dean

Helen’s life was full of numerous accomplishments and extensive community service. Her impact on Roanoke Valley Democratic Women and so many other Roanoke Valley organizations is immeasurable.

Please join us as we give heartfelt thanks and pay respectful tributes for this remarkable woman, friend, and colleague, HELEN B. DEAN.

In Her Own Words

On April 10, 2024, just a month before her passing, Helen prepared a personal biography to be shared with U.S. Congresswoman and Gubernatorial Candidate Abigail Spanberger. Helen did not feel well on the day of the board’s much-anticipated meeting with Rep. Spanberger but we learn firsthand and in her own words, how Helen described her amazing life:

Bio for Helen B. Dean

Graduated from Knoxville College. During the summer at Knoxville, worked for the Atomic Energy Commission.

Helen Dean has worked with the Roanoke Valley Democratic Women in several capacities including fund raising. She is the past President of this organization, is a member of the Roanoke County Democrats and Botetourt Democrats and serves as an officer of elections for Roanoke County.

Companies she worked for: Junior high Teacher in Washington, DC, IBM as a Systems Analyst in Indianapolis, IN; Xerox Corporation in Chicago and Dallas at the field level, Regional Level and held a National Position. At Xerox, I managed a national support organization and led a sales team as a Regional Sales Manager in Chicago, IL. Worked for TruSecure as a technical team leader in securing networks and retired from Thomson Financial as the President of a group that worked with financial instruments in the US, London, Germany and in Paris.

Served on boards in the Roanoke Valley: Family Promise; Roanoke Symphony as chair for Education; Apple Ridge; Community Representative for the Junior League; president of the CASA Board; served on the Opera Board; Presbyterian Children’s Center; Moderator for Presbyterian Children’s Home in Wytheville; and am currently serving on the Arts Commission for the City of Roanoke.

Works in support of Harrison Museum of African American Culture with programs and grants to secure funding for this important organization in the African American community; served as one of the vice presidents for Delta Sigma Theta Sorority and worked with Jabberwock to secure funding for scholarships for students; and worked as a CASA (court appointed special advocate) for 5 years.

Served as an elder at Second Presbyterian Church; served as Moderator for Presbytery of the Peaks; Cabinet Moderator; Trustee Member and served on the Sexual Misconduct Committee for the Peaks. Serves as a permanent member of the Synod Judicial Committee and currently serving as Vice Moderator for National Black Presbyterian Women and as the Historian for Presbyterian Women at the Synod level.

Awards and Recognition: Dollars and Sense – Top 100 Black Business and Professional Women, recognized in Who’s Who in Finance, while at Xerox and Thompson was awarded President’s Club for achieving financial goals for the teams; Bella Magazine’s Women in the Community, and currently recognized in the Roanoker Magazine for volunteer support.

2023 is moving fast!

A message from Janice Dinkins Davidson, RVDW Board President

Hello, Roanoke Valley Democratic Women members past, present, and future! 

Janice Dinkins Davidson, President
Janice Dinkins Davidson, President

It’s hard to believe that we’re nearing the middle of March 2023! Time is moving on and it’s nearly Spring! 

The Board of RVDW has been busy planning for – and has presented – diverse and dynamic speakers at our 2023 Membership meetings. (Read more about Jan. and Feb. meetings.) Our goal is to ensure that you, our members, are up to date on topics that interest you. We also aim to inform you about local, statewide, and national Democratic candidates and to offer a forum for social and political engagement. You can look forward to many more opportunities, not only at membership meetings, but also at Dems After Dark, and at our June fund-raising event. Subscribe to our calendar on our Meetings & Events page. More details coming soon! 

Please take a moment to submit your 2023 dues before March 31!
Continue reading “2023 is moving fast!”