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An Evening with Sen. Louise Lucas

Roanoke Country Club, 3360 Old Country Club Drive, NW (See event photos here.) A Fundraising Event for Roanoke Valley Democratic Women Senator Louise Lucas has been a member of the Senate since 1992. She is outspoken on abortion rights, LBGTQ rights, and legislative action to prevent gun violence – issues important to us all, especially

RVDW January 2023 Meeting

The Board is pleased to announce that the January 27 meeting is via Zoom. The meeting begins at 12:00 noon and ends at 1:00pm. (Read January post-meeting update here.) At this meeting, we will install our new officers. Our speaker is special guest, Attorney John Fishwick who will speak on the Campaign to Rename the

RVDW February 2023 Meeting

Montano's 3733 Franklin Rd SW, Roanoke, VA, United States

@ Montano's, 3733 Franklin Rd SW, Roanoke, VA 24014. Program begins at 12:OO noon followed by the business meeting. Please arrive at 11:30 am if ordering lunch. Roanoke Valley Democratic Women wishes to give special recognition to February as Heart Month and Black History Month. It is critical that we take care of ourselves, get

RVDW March 2023 Meeting

Montano's 3733 Franklin Rd SW, Roanoke, VA, United States

@ Montano’s, 3733 Franklin Rd SW, Roanoke, VA 24014.Women's History Month Program begins at 12:OO noon followed by the business meeting.Please arrive at 11:30 am if ordering lunch. Women’s History MonthTheme: “Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories”Colors:  Purple, Green, White(Download PDF of Agenda here.) Our Speakers: Elizabeth CranwellBoard of Visitors University of Virginia Elizabeth M.

RVDW April 2023 Meeting

@ Jersey Lily’s Roadhouse, 1650 Braeburn Dr., Ridgewood Farms Shopping Center, Salem, VA Program begins at 12:OO noon followed by the business meeting. Please arrive at 11:30 if you are ordering lunch. Program: Meet Our 2023 Democratic Candidates for Virginia House & Senate. Read more here.

RVDW May 2023 Meeting

@ Jersey Lily’s Roadhouse, 1650 Braeburn Dr., Ridgewood Farms Shopping Center, Salem, VA. Program begins at 12:OO noon followed by the business meeting. Please arrive at 11:30 if you are ordering lunch. As next month is Gun Violence Awareness Month across our nation, and as gun violence is ever-increasingly in our daily headlines, in our

RVDW September 2023 Meeting

Montano's 3733 Franklin Rd SW, Roanoke, VA, United States

@ Montano’s, 3733 Franklin Rd SW, Roanoke, VA 24014Program begins at 12:OO noon followed by the business meeting. Please arrive at 11:30am if ordering lunch. Trigger Warning: The September meeting topic and sharing of experiences by our speakers may be disturbing, upsetting, or difficult for you or others in the room. Join RVDW for this

RVDW 2023 Wine & Hors d’Oeuvres Annual Fundraiser

Shenandoah Club 31 Bullitt Avenue, Roanoke, Virginia, United States

(See event photos here.) An Evening with Del. Eileen Filler-Corn Please join us Tuesday, October 3, 2023, 5:30 - 7:30pm at the Shenandoah Club for Del. Eileen Filler-Corn's keynote and an evening of Democratic connection and conversation, laser-focused on Virginia's November 2023 elections. RVDW is honored to have Delegate Eileen Filler-Corn as keynote speaker at

RVDW October 2023 Meeting: Freedom to Read

Hunting Hills Country Club 5220 Hunting Hills Dr, Roanoke, Virginia, United States

How to Resist Book Bans in Your Community @ The Club Room at Hunting Hills Country Club, 5220 Hunting Hills Dr, Roanoke, VA 24018Please RSVP to and arrive by 11:30am if you plan to order lunch. HHCC offers a menu ranging in price from $15 to $18. Program begins promptly at 12:OOnoon followed by

Dems After Dark: Holiday Mingle & Food Drive

Barrel Chest Wine & Beer 2601 Franklin Rd SW, Roanoke, Virginia, United States

Join us for "Dems After Dark" on Thursday, December 7th from 5:00-7:00 at Barrel Chest Wine & Beer!