Virginia Democrats work to enshrine Reproductive Freedom in the state constitution

On Friday, January 24th, guest presenter Jamie Lockhart, Executive Director of Planned Parenthood Advocates of Virginia, shared important information on the Right to Reproductive Freedom Amendment to Virginia’s constitution.

Virginians for Reproductive Freedom

Here’s what you need to know.

  • This amendment will enshrine in the Virginia constitution a right to make one’s own reproductive health care decisions, including a right to abortion, contraception, fertility treatment, and miscarriage management.
  • Without state or federal protections, Virginia remains in constant threat of anti-abortion politicians restricting reproductive health care or even banning abortion, taking away our right to determine our own reproductive futures. This amendment will protect generations of Virginians from the fear that in every legislative session their fundamental rights could be at risk.
  • Health care decisions, including abortion, should be guided by medicine and science, not determined by politicians.
  • Decisions around pregnancy and reproductive freedom, including abortion, contraception, and miscarriage management, are personal and private and should be left up to Virginians and their families.
  • At no point in pregnancy is a politician more qualified to make decisions about your health than you and your health care providers.
  • Banning abortion makes pregnancy less safe for everyone. We all know someone who has or will have a miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, preeclampsia, sepsis, or other unpredictable situations in pregnancy where abortion care is needed.
  • The bottom line is that Virginians need to be able to make decisions about their reproductive health, and health care providers need to be able to act in the best interest of their patients, without government interference.
  • Voters can secure the right to reproductive freedom and ensure that politicians can’t take away this critical health care.

What can you do?

  • Right now, sign the pledge to support the Right to Reproductive Freedom Amendment.
  • This week, join the Valentines to Legislators Postcard Event at Golden Cactus Brewery, Thursday, Feb 6, 6 to 8 pm.
  • We must win in November! Support Democrats in this year’s elections! Democrats must hold onto their majorities in both houses of the Virginia General Assembly and win the races for Governor, Lt. Gov. and Attorney General. We need Democrats in power to get through this process…
Virginia Constitutional Amendment process graphic

Save the date for Standing Strong Roanoke with Planned Parenthood South Atantic, Apr 30, 5:30 pm at the Shenandoah Club. Ticket information coming soon!

Roanoke Valley Democratic Women has moved to a new email platform. Please take a moment to confirm your email subscription status. Thank you!

Virginia is STILL for Voters

A message from RVDW President Wanda Ostrander

Dear RVDW members and friends,

For the last few weeks, we’ve all been recovering from the hard work of the 2024 campaign year and the disappointment of the outcome in the race to win the White House and majorities in the US Senate and US House of Representatives. While 2024 did not end as we had envisioned, Virginia stayed BLUE. We sent Sen. Tim Kaine back to Washington as our US Senator. Roanoke City voters held on to a strong Democratic majority on council by electing Joe Cobb as Mayor, Terry McGuire as Vice Mayor, and Phazhon Nash as Councilman. Be proud of these wins. Your hard work matters!

As the saying goes, Virginia is for Voters. We vote EVERY year. Virginia must again STAY BLUE this November! Now is the time to renew our focus on issues and plans of action to make sure we keep our majority in both chambers of the Virginia General Assembly and also take back the executive offices in Richmond. Our new Board of Officers, elected at our October meeting, is energized and ready to get to work with you. 

Our work is clearly cut out for us, and we can’t do the hard work ahead without you. Let’s kick off 2025 with a shared, renewed commitment to RVDW, to our mission, and to our democracy. Because Virginia is STILL for voters.

Best regards,

Wanda Ostrander, President

2025 Women’s March: Hop on the Trouble Bus

Many have asked and Red Wine & Blue has delivered!

RW&B extends an invitation to RVDW members and friends to jump on the Trouble Bus to Washington DC on January 18 for the 2025 Women’s March.

Saturday, January 18, 2025
6:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Meet at Valley View Mall
4802 Valley View Blvd NW
Roanoke, VA 24012
Ticket price: $30

After filling out the form at this link, you will be automatically redirected to the ActBlue page to purchase your ticket. (If you cannot attend but would like to give the chance to another TroubleMaker you can sponsor a spot for any amount you choose.)

Mayor-Elect Cobb Hosting Send-off Supporting Rasoul

Roanoke City Mayor-Elect Joe Cobb invites RVDW members and friends for brunch to support Del. Sam Rasoul (D-HD38) before Sam heads to Richmond for the 2025 Legislative Session.

Saturday, January 4, 2025
10:30 am
441 Highland Ave SW
Roanoke VA 24016
RSVP Today to Show Your Support!

Delegate Rasoul has been a steadfast advocate for our region, working tirelessly to address the needs of families and students. As Chair of the Education Committee, Sam has led efforts to improve our schools, support educators, and ensure every child has the opportunity to thrive.

This year Del. Rasoul has a challenger. Joe encourages, “Together, we can ensure Sam continues to advocate for the values and future our community deserves.”

A message from Lily Franklin

I’m thrilled to announce that I’m running for the 41st House District seat in Montgomery and Roanoke County! In 2023, we came within just 183 votes of flipping this district. With your support, we can finish the job in 2025 and make history. This will be one of Virginia’s most competitive races, and the biggest thing we need help with right now is fundraising to build a strong foundation for success. Every dollar raised now helps us prepare for January and beyond. You can donate online here, or prefer to donate by check? Make it out to Lily for Delegate, and mail it to PO Box 104, Blacksburg, VA 24063.

“Like many of you, I’m reflecting on the lessons of this past election. Your voice matters, and I’d love to hear your thoughts on the issues that are most important to you—visit to share feedback, policy ideas, or sign up to volunteer.

“Let’s take the next few weeks to recharge, and then come back together, ready to fight for Southwest Virginia and flip the 41st in 2025!”

Read more about Lily Franklin’s campaign here.

Roanoke City Democrats Retain Council Majority

Congratulations Mayor-elect Joe Cobb, Vice-Mayor-elect Terry McGuire and Councilman Phazhon Nash!

The recount is complete. Democrat Joe Cobb is officially the city’s Mayor-elect! Cobb led by just 29 votes by the end of the recount. In this very close race for Roanoke City Mayor, as the saying goes, every vote mattered.

Roanoke City Mayor-elect Joe Cobb

Cobb and the new council, including winning Democrats Terry McGuire and Phazhon Nash, will be sworn in on January 1, 2025. The new city council will immediately begin the appointment process to complete the two years on Cobb’s current council term.

ONE MORE WEEK: GOTV and Election Day Volunteering

Let’s all take action and get our candidates across the finish line as WINNERS this year.  We’ve compiled links to LOCAL volunteer opportunities and voter information to help you plug in across the Valley. Remember, ORGANIZE DON’T AGONIZE!

Roanoke City Democratic Committee is seeking volunteer poll greeters to pass out sample ballots at early voting and at the city’s 20 precinct locations on Election Day. Also seeking volunteer drivers to get voters to the polls. Email and let them know how, when, and where you can help.

City precinct locations:

City sample ballot:

Roanoke County Democratic Committee is seeking volunteers for election day and early voting poll greeting and precinct sign set up. Complete their online Volunteer Form.

County precinct locations with sample ballots:

Harris/Walz/Kaine Democratic Coordinated Campaign is knocking doors until the polls close! If you are able to canvass, please consider joining this year’s unparallelled campaign ground game. Find shifts that work for your schedule here: Roanoke Harris-Walz-Kaine GOTV Events

Please email with comments or corrections.

Roanoke City Candidate Forums Throughout October

Tuesday, October 1, 5-7 pm, Kiwanis Club of Roanoke and Roanoke Regional Chamber Mayoral Candidate Forum, Charter Hall, Market Building, 32 Market Square SE, Roanoke, VA 24011. Registration required at:

Thursday, October 10, 7 pm, Greater Deyerle Neighborhood Association Mayoral Forum, Covenant Presbyterian Church, 1831 Deyerle Rd SW, Roanoke, VA 24018.

Tuesday, October 22, 6-9 pm, Cardinal News City Council and Mayoral Candidates Forums (City Council, 6-7, Mayoral 7:30-8:30). Fitzpatrick Hall, Jefferson Center, 541 Luck Ave SW, Roanoke, VA 24016. Tickets available at:

Saturday, October 26, 12-3 pm, Roanoke Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. and the Roanoke Branch NAACP City Council and Mayoral Forum, Claude Moore Complex, 109 North Henry Street Roanoke, VA 24016.

Sunday, October 27, 6-8 pm, Jack and Jill Youth Mayoral and City Council Forum, Dumas Center, 108 Henry St NW, Roanoke, VA 24016.

We will update this list as needed.

Upcoming Labor Day 2024 Events

Celebrate and appreciate Labor Day with Democrats who support workers, laborers, and unions!

Saturday, Aug. 31 in Roanoke: Labor Day Parade – Parade starts at 12 noon. Parade starts at 200 Campbell Ave. and ends at Williamson Road. (Map) Rain date is Sunday, Sept 1. Want to march in the parade with your fellow Democrats? Contact Chuck Simpson at or (540) 915-1245 for details. (Download Roanoke parade flyer.)

2024 Labor Day Parade Flyer Saturday Aug 31 at 12 noon

Monday, Sept. 2, 7:30AM in Buena Vista: Lexington-Rockbridge-Buena Vista Democrats’ 43rd Democratic Labor Day Breakfast at 100 Bradford Drive at Parry McCluer High School
Speakers include US Senator Tim Kaine, Virginia State Senator Creigh Deeds, and 6th District Congressional Democratic Candidate Ken Mitchell. (Download breakfast flyer.)

Individual Breakfast Ticket $25.00
Friend $50.00 (One Ticket)
Sponsor $100.00 (Two Tickets)
Patrons $150.00 (Four Tickets)
Sponsor A Student $25.00

RSVP by Aug 29th to Mail checks to: LexRockBV Democratic Committee, PO Box 60, Lexington, VA 24450

After the breakfast, march with the LexRockBV Democratic Committee in the Buena Vista parade after the breakfast! (Download Buena Vista parade flyer.)