2025 Women’s March: Hop on the Trouble Bus

Many have asked and Red Wine & Blue has delivered!

RW&B extends an invitation to RVDW members and friends to jump on the Trouble Bus to Washington DC on January 18 for the 2025 Women’s March.

Saturday, January 18, 2025
6:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Meet at Valley View Mall
4802 Valley View Blvd NW
Roanoke, VA 24012
Ticket price: $30

After filling out the form at this link, you will be automatically redirected to the ActBlue page to purchase your ticket. (If you cannot attend but would like to give the chance to another TroubleMaker you can sponsor a spot for any amount you choose.)

Mayor-Elect Cobb Hosting Send-off Supporting Rasoul

Roanoke City Mayor-Elect Joe Cobb invites RVDW members and friends for brunch to support Del. Sam Rasoul (D-HD38) before Sam heads to Richmond for the 2025 Legislative Session.

Saturday, January 4, 2025
10:30 am
441 Highland Ave SW
Roanoke VA 24016
RSVP Today to Show Your Support!

Delegate Rasoul has been a steadfast advocate for our region, working tirelessly to address the needs of families and students. As Chair of the Education Committee, Sam has led efforts to improve our schools, support educators, and ensure every child has the opportunity to thrive.

This year Del. Rasoul has a challenger. Joe encourages, “Together, we can ensure Sam continues to advocate for the values and future our community deserves.”

Roanoke City Democrats Retain Council Majority

Congratulations Mayor-elect Joe Cobb, Vice-Mayor-elect Terry McGuire and Councilman Phazhon Nash!

The recount is complete. Democrat Joe Cobb is officially the city’s Mayor-elect! Cobb led by just 29 votes by the end of the recount. In this very close race for Roanoke City Mayor, as the saying goes, every vote mattered.

Roanoke City Mayor-elect Joe Cobb

Cobb and the new council, including winning Democrats Terry McGuire and Phazhon Nash, will be sworn in on January 1, 2025. The new city council will immediately begin the appointment process to complete the two years on Cobb’s current council term.

ONE MORE WEEK: GOTV and Election Day Volunteering

Let’s all take action and get our candidates across the finish line as WINNERS this year.  We’ve compiled links to LOCAL volunteer opportunities and voter information to help you plug in across the Valley. Remember, ORGANIZE DON’T AGONIZE!

Roanoke City Democratic Committee is seeking volunteer poll greeters to pass out sample ballots at early voting and at the city’s 20 precinct locations on Election Day. Also seeking volunteer drivers to get voters to the polls. Email info@roanokedemocrats.com and let them know how, when, and where you can help.

City precinct locations: 

City sample ballot:  https://www.roanokeva.gov/DocumentCenter/View/20137/Sample_City_of_Roanoke

Roanoke County Democratic Committee is seeking volunteers for election day and early voting poll greeting and precinct sign set up. Complete their online Volunteer Form.

County precinct locations with sample ballots:

Harris/Walz/Kaine Democratic Coordinated Campaign is knocking doors until the polls close! If you are able to canvass, please consider joining this year’s unparallelled campaign ground game. Find shifts that work for your schedule here: Roanoke Harris-Walz-Kaine GOTV Events

Please email Info@RoanokeValleyDemocraticWomen.com with comments or corrections.

Roanoke City Candidate Forums Throughout October

Tuesday, October 1, 5-7 pm, Kiwanis Club of Roanoke and Roanoke Regional Chamber Mayoral Candidate Forum, Charter Hall, Market Building, 32 Market Square SE, Roanoke, VA 24011. Registration required at: https://roanokechamber.chambermaster.com/eventregistration/register/17493

Thursday, October 10, 7 pm, Greater Deyerle Neighborhood Association Mayoral Forum, Covenant Presbyterian Church, 1831 Deyerle Rd SW, Roanoke, VA 24018.

Tuesday, October 22, 6-9 pm, Cardinal News City Council and Mayoral Candidates Forums (City Council, 6-7, Mayoral 7:30-8:30). Fitzpatrick Hall, Jefferson Center, 541 Luck Ave SW, Roanoke, VA 24016. Tickets available at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/roanoke-city-council-2024-conversations-with-the-candidates-tickets-983940692097?aff=oddtdtcreator.

Saturday, October 26, 12-3 pm, Roanoke Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. and the Roanoke Branch NAACP City Council and Mayoral Forum, Claude Moore Complex, 109 North Henry Street Roanoke, VA 24016.

Sunday, October 27, 6-8 pm, Jack and Jill Youth Mayoral and City Council Forum, Dumas Center, 108 Henry St NW, Roanoke, VA 24016.

We will update this list as needed.

2024 Annual Wine & Cheese Fundraiser

Tuesday, September 10
5:30pm – 7:30pm
Roanoke Country Club
3360 Old Country Club Drive
Roanoke, Virginia

We look forward to spending an evening with you and guests from across our region. We’re honored to have as our keynote speaker, Senator Ghazala Hashmi, a dynamic woman of Virginia and Virginia politics.

As Chair of the Senate Education and Health Committee, Senator Hashmi and the Democratic Senate and House of Delegates brought strong legislation to the Governor in 2024.

Senator Hashmi can speak with personal, professional, and political experience to the key issues for women voters:

• Choice! Access to Reproductive Health Services and Abortion
• Protection of Civil Liberties • Guns • Housing Crisis
• Public Education • Climate Change and the Environment

Senator Hashmi is certain to enlighten, energize, and motivate us as we roar into the final weeks of this critical election season. (Full bio here.)

RSVP and purchase your tickets now! Each ticket includes a complimentary glass of wine at the cash bar.

Sponsorship opportunities details are below. Thank you for your support of Roanoke Valley Democratic Women.

Member – $35
Non-Member – $50

SOLD OUT Don’t want to order online? RSVP via email to Info@RoanokeValleyDemocraticWomen with subject line “2024 RSVP”. Please provide the full names of all attendees in your email. Payment can be made at the event.

Continue reading “2024 Annual Wine & Cheese Fundraiser”

McGuire, Nash, Woods win Dem Primary for Roanoke City Council

Terry McGuire, Phazhon Nash, and Benjamin Woods are the official Democratic ticket for three open seats on Roanoke City Council following this week’s Democratic Primary.

2024 RVDW Your Vote Matters

In addition to filling three council seats, Roanoke City will elect a new mayor in November. Current Vice Mayor Joe Cobb is the Democratic nominee in the three-way race for mayor.

We congratulate the entire ticket. Please contact the candidates to volunteer and donate.

Terry McGuire
Website: www.terryforroanoke.com 
Email: terryforroanoke@gmail.com
Facebook: TerryForRoanoke
Instagram: @terrymcguireforroanoke

Phazhon Nash
Website: www.votenash.org
Email: info@votenash.org
Facebook: Phazhon Nash for Roanoke City Council 
Instagram: @nash_for_city_council

Ben Woods
Website: www.benjaminwoods.org
Email: bwoods@benjaminwoods.org
Facebook: Benjamin Woods
Twitter: @I_benjaminwoods
Instagram: @ben_jaminwoods

Meet the Dem Candidates for Roanoke City Council

UPDATE: On June 2, Jamaal Jackson announced via press release that he is no longer a candidate for City Council.

Following the invitation by Roanoke Valley Democratic Women, all four 2024 Democratic candidates for Roanoke City Council have accepted and will be at RVDW’s May monthly membership meeting.

On Friday, May 24, 2024, at Montano’s Restaurant (3733 Franklin Rd SW), meet and hear the Democratic Primary candidates for Roanoke City Council address their priorities and credentials and share their campaign materials. The program begins at 12:00 noon followed by our business meeting. Please arrive at 11:15 if you are ordering lunch. No lunch orders will be taken after 11:45am.

RVDW is pleased to provide the following information requested of and provided by each candidate. Early voting for the June 18 Democratic Primary began May 3 and continues through Saturday, June 15.

Learn more about the candidates at their websites, linked below (listed alphabetically by last name).

Terry McGuire
Website: www.terryforroanoke.com 
Email: terryforroanoke@gmail.com
Facebook: TerryForRoanoke
Instagram: @terrymcguireforroanoke

Phazhon Nash
Website: www.votenash.org
Email: info@votenash.org
Facebook: Phazhon Nash for Roanoke City Council 
Instagram: @nash_for_city_council

Ben Woods
Website: www.benjaminwoods.org
Email: bwoods@benjaminwoods.org
Facebook: Benjamin Woods
Twitter: @I_benjaminwoods
Instagram: @ben_jaminwoods

UPDATE: On June 2, Jackson announced via press release he is no longer a candidate for City Council.
Jamaal Jackson
Website: www.jacksonforroanoke.com
Email: JacksonForRoanoke@gmail.com
Facebook: JacksonForRoanoke
Instagram: @jacksonforroanoke

Meet Ken Mitchell, Democrat for VA 6th District US Congress

“The current narrative of chaos and uncertainty that is dominating our politics is a threat to our democracy. Americans face daily, real-life challenges and need leaders who listen to their problems and can work together respectfully to solve them instead of playing partisan schoolyard games.” – Ken Mitchell

Ken Mitchell for Congress logo

Ken Mitchell is running to represent the citizens of Virginia’s 6th Congressional District in the November 2024 election. Ken enlisted in the U.S. Air Force and retired from the U.S Army in 1998 as a Chief Warrant Officer 4 following 24 years of active duty. He is the fourth generation of his family to serve the country as a member of the armed services. He spent the last six years of his military career at the White House, supporting former Presidents George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton. During this posting, he held a variety of leadership roles at the highest levels of trust and national security. This experience allowed him to observe democracy at work first-hand and develop deep insight into the political process.

Ken Mitchell for VA CD 6

Ken Mitchell
For US Congress VA 6th District
Website: www.KenMitchellforVirginia.com
Facebook: kenmitchellforva
Instagram: @kenmitchellforva

Following his retirement from the military, Ken spent six years in the corporate telecommunications industry, building infrastructure throughout the greater Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. He received multiple awards for his executive leadership and management skills while overseeing a wide variety of operations.

In 2004, Ken relocated to Charlottesville and started a business remodeling historic properties. In this role, he was exposed to the labyrinth of rules and regulations small businesses must navigate. From here, Ken became a Vice President of Buildings and Grounds for all facilities at the Thomas Jefferson Foundation, including the Visitors Center, Tufton Mansion, Jefferson library, and the 2500 acres granted to Jefferson’s father. In this role, he led the modernization of Monticello’s infrastructure and the protection of this World Heritage site.

Continue reading “Meet Ken Mitchell, Democrat for VA 6th District US Congress”