A message from Lily Franklin

I’m thrilled to announce that I’m running for the 41st House District seat in Montgomery and Roanoke County! In 2023, we came within just 183 votes of flipping this district. With your support, we can finish the job in 2025 and make history. This will be one of Virginia’s most competitive races, and the biggest thing we need help with right now is fundraising to build a strong foundation for success. Every dollar raised now helps us prepare for January and beyond. You can donate online here, or prefer to donate by check? Make it out to Lily for Delegate, and mail it to PO Box 104, Blacksburg, VA 24063.

“Like many of you, I’m reflecting on the lessons of this past election. Your voice matters, and I’d love to hear your thoughts on the issues that are most important to you—visit Lilyfordelegate.com to share feedback, policy ideas, or sign up to volunteer.

“Let’s take the next few weeks to recharge, and then come back together, ready to fight for Southwest Virginia and flip the 41st in 2025!”

Read more about Lily Franklin’s campaign here.